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5.4k 377
01 May, 2024

What is Gatus ?

Gatus is a developer-oriented health dashboard that gives you the ability to monitor your services using HTTP, ICMP, TCP, and even DNS queries as well as evaluate the result of said queries by using a list of conditions on values like the status code, the response time, the certificate expiration, the body and many others. The icing on top is that each of these health checks can be paired with alerting via Slack, Teams, PagerDuty, Discord, Twilio and many more.

Gatus Features

The main features of Gatus are:

  • Highly flexible health check conditions: While checking the response status may be enough for some use cases, Gatus goes much further and allows you to add conditions on the response time, the response body and even the IP address.
  • Ability to use Gatus for user acceptance tests: Thanks to the point above, you can leverage this application to create automated user acceptance tests.
  • Very easy to configure: Not only is the configuration designed to be as readable as possible, it’s also extremely easy to add a new service or a new endpoint to monitor.
  • Alerting: While having a pretty visual dashboard is useful to keep track of the state of your application(s), you probably don’t want to stare at it all day. Thus, notifications via Slack, Mattermost, Messagebird, PagerDuty, Twilio, Google chat and Teams are supported out of the box with the ability to configure a custom alerting provider for any needs you might have, whether it be a different provider or a custom application that manages automated rollbacks.
  • Metrics
  • Low resource consumption: As with most Go applications, the resource footprint that this application requires is negligibly small.

Gatus dashboard conditions


Terminal window
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

You can also use GitHub Container Registry if you prefer:

Terminal window
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name gatus ghcr.io/twin/gatus

If you want to create your own configuration, see Docker for information on how to mount a configuration file.

Here’s a simple example:

- name: website # Name of your endpoint, can be anything
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m # Duration to wait between every status check (default: 60s)
- "[STATUS] == 200" # Status must be 200
- "[BODY].status == UP" # The json path "$.status" must be equal to UP
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300" # Response time must be under 300ms
- name: make-sure-header-is-rendered
url: "https://example.org/"
interval: 60s
- "[STATUS] == 200" # Status must be 200
- "[BODY] == pat(*<h1>Example Domain</h1>*)" # Body must contain the specified header

This example would look similar to this:

Simple example

By default, the configuration file is expected to be at config/config.yaml.

You can specify a custom path by setting the GATUS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

If GATUS_CONFIG_PATH points to a directory, all *.yaml and *.yml files inside said directory and its subdirectories are merged like so:

  • All maps/objects are deep merged (i.e. you could define alerting.slack in one file and alerting.pagerduty in another file)
  • All slices/arrays are appended (i.e. you can define endpoints in multiple files and each endpoint will be added to the final list of endpoints)
  • Parameters with a primitive value (e.g. debug, metrics, alerting.slack.webhook-url, etc.) may only be defined once to forcefully avoid any ambiguity
    • To clarify, this also means that you could not define alerting.slack.webhook-url in two files with different values. All files are merged into one before they are processed. This is by design.


debugWhether to enable debug logs.false
metricsWhether to expose metrics at /metrics.false
storageStorage configuration{}
endpointsList of endpoints to monitor.Required []
endpoints[].enabledWhether to monitor the endpoint.true
endpoints[].nameName of the endpoint. Can be anything.Required ""
endpoints[].groupGroup name. Used to group multiple endpoints together on the dashboard.
See Endpoint groups.
endpoints[].urlURL to send the request to.Required ""
endpoints[].methodRequest method.GET
endpoints[].conditionsConditions used to determine the health of the endpoint.
See Conditions.
endpoints[].intervalDuration to wait between every status check.60s
endpoints[].graphqlWhether to wrap the body in a query param ({"query":"$body"}).false
endpoints[].bodyRequest body.""
endpoints[].headersRequest headers.{}
endpoints[].dnsConfiguration for an endpoint of type DNS.
See Monitoring an endpoint using DNS queries.
endpoints[].dns.query-typeQuery type (e.g. MX)""
endpoints[].dns.query-nameQuery name (e.g. example.com)""
endpoints[].sshConfiguration for an endpoint of type SSH.
See Monitoring an endpoint using SSH.
endpoints[].ssh.usernameSSH username (e.g. example)Required ""
endpoints[].ssh.passwordSSH password (e.g. password)Required ""
endpoints[].alerts[].typeType of alert.
See Alerting for all valid types.
Required ""
endpoints[].alerts[].enabledWhether to enable the alert.true
endpoints[].alerts[].failure-thresholdNumber of failures in a row needed before triggering the alert.3
endpoints[].alerts[].success-thresholdNumber of successes in a row before an ongoing incident is marked as resolved.2
endpoints[].alerts[].send-on-resolvedWhether to send a notification once a triggered alert is marked as resolved.false
endpoints[].alerts[].descriptionDescription of the alert. Will be included in the alert sent.""
endpoints[].clientClient configuration.{}
endpoints[].uiUI configuration at the endpoint level.{}
endpoints[].ui.hide-hostnameWhether to hide the hostname in the result.false
endpoints[].ui.hide-urlWhether to ensure the URL is not displayed in the results. Useful if the URL contains a token.false
endpoints[].ui.dont-resolve-failed-conditionsWhether to resolve failed conditions for the UI.false
endpoints[].ui.badge.reponse-timeList of response time thresholds. Each time a threshold is reached, the badge has a different color.[50, 200, 300, 500, 750]
alertingAlerting configuration.{}
securitySecurity configuration.{}
disable-monitoring-lockWhether to disable the monitoring lock.false
skip-invalid-config-updateWhether to ignore invalid configuration update.
See Reloading configuration on the fly.
webWeb configuration.{}
web.addressAddress to listen on.
web.portPort to listen on.8080
web.tls.certificate-fileOptional public certificate file for TLS in PEM format.
web.tls.private-key-fileOptional private key file for TLS in PEM format.
uiUI configuration.{}
ui.titleTitle of the document.Health Dashboard ǀ Gatus
ui.descriptionMeta description for the page.Gatus is an advanced....
ui.headerHeader at the top of the dashboard.Health Status
ui.logoURL to the logo to display.""
ui.linkLink to open when the logo is clicked.""
ui.buttonsList of buttons to display below the header.[]
ui.buttons[].nameText to display on the button.Required ""
ui.buttons[].linkLink to open when the button is clicked.Required ""
maintenanceMaintenance configuration.{}


Here are some examples of conditions you can use:

ConditionDescriptionPassing valuesFailing values
[STATUS] == 200Status must be equal to 200200201, 404, …
[STATUS] < 300Status must lower than 300200, 201, 299301, 302, …
[STATUS] <= 299Status must be less than or equal to 299200, 201, 299301, 302, …
[STATUS] > 400Status must be greater than 400401, 402, 403, 404400, 200, …
[STATUS] == any(200, 429)Status must be either 200 or 429200, 429201, 400, …
[CONNECTED] == trueConnection to host must’ve been successfultruefalse
[RESPONSE_TIME] < 500Response time must be below 500ms100ms, 200ms, 300ms500ms, 501ms
[IP] == IP must be
[BODY] == 1The body must be equal to 11{}, 2, …
[BODY].user.name == johnJSONPath value of $.user.name is equal to john{"user":{"name":"john"}}
[BODY].data[0].id == 1JSONPath value of $.data[0].id is equal to 1{"data":[{"id":1}]}
[BODY].age == [BODY].idJSONPath value of $.age is equal JSONPath $.id{"age":1,"id":1}
len([BODY].data) < 5Array at JSONPath $.data has less than 5 elements{"data":[{"id":1}]}
len([BODY].name) == 8String at JSONPath $.name has a length of 8{"name":"john.doe"}{"name":"bob"}
has([BODY].errors) == falseJSONPath $.errors does not exist{"name":"john.doe"}{"errors":[]}
has([BODY].users) == trueJSONPath $.users exists{"users":[]}{}
[BODY].name == pat(john*)String at JSONPath $.name matches pattern john*{"name":"john.doe"}{"name":"bob"}
[BODY].id == any(1, 2)Value at JSONPath $.id is equal to 1 or 21, 23, 4, 5
[CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION] > 48hCertificate expiration is more than 48h away49h, 50h, 123h1h, 24h, …
[DOMAIN_EXPIRATION] > 720hThe domain must expire in more than 720h4000h1h, 24h, …


PlaceholderDescriptionExample of resolved value
[STATUS]Resolves into the HTTP status of the request404
[RESPONSE_TIME]Resolves into the response time the request took, in ms10
[IP]Resolves into the IP of the target host192.168.0.232
[BODY]Resolves into the response body. Supports JSONPath.{"name":"john.doe"}
[CONNECTED]Resolves into whether a connection could be establishedtrue
[CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION]Resolves into the duration before certificate expiration (valid units are “s”, “m”, “h”.)24h, 48h, 0 (if not protocol with certs)
[DOMAIN_EXPIRATION]Resolves into the duration before the domain expires (valid units are “s”, “m”, “h”.)24h, 48h, 1234h56m78s
[DNS_RCODE]Resolves into the DNS status of the responseNOERROR


lenIf the given path leads to an array, returns its length. Otherwise, the JSON at the given path is minified and converted to a string, and the resulting number of characters is returned. Works only with the [BODY] placeholder.len([BODY].username) > 8
hasReturns true or false based on whether a given path is valid. Works only with the [BODY] placeholder.has([BODY].errors) == false
patSpecifies that the string passed as parameter should be evaluated as a pattern. Works only with == and !=.[IP] == pat(192.168.*)
anySpecifies that any one of the values passed as parameters is a valid value. Works only with == and !=.[BODY].ip == any(, ::1)

💡 Use pat only when you need to. [STATUS] == pat(2*) is a lot more expensive than [STATUS] < 300.


storageStorage configuration{}
storage.pathPath to persist the data in. Only supported for types sqlite and postgres.""
storage.typeType of storage. Valid types: memory, sqlite, postgres."memory"
storage.cachingWhether to use write-through caching. Improves loading time for large dashboards.
Only supported if storage.type is sqlite or postgres

The results for each endpoint health check as well as the data for uptime and the past events must be persisted so that they can be displayed on the dashboard. These parameters allow you to configure the storage in question.

  • If storage.type is memory (default):
# Note that this is the default value, and you can omit the storage configuration altogether to achieve the same result.
# Because the data is stored in memory, the data will not survive a restart.
type: memory
  • If storage.type is sqlite, storage.path must not be blank:
type: sqlite
path: data.db

See examples/docker-compose-sqlite-storage for an example.

  • If storage.type is postgres, storage.path must be the connection URL:
type: postgres
path: "postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/gatus?sslmode=disable"

See examples/docker-compose-postgres-storage for an example.

Client configuration

In order to support a wide range of environments, each monitored endpoint has a unique configuration for the client used to send the request.

client.insecureWhether to skip verifying the server’s certificate chain and host name.false
client.ignore-redirectWhether to ignore redirects (true) or follow them (false, default).false
client.timeoutDuration before timing out.10s
client.dns-resolverOverride the DNS resolver using the format {proto}://{host}:{port}.""
client.oauth2OAuth2 client configuration.{}
client.oauth2.token-urlThe token endpoint URLrequired ""
client.oauth2.client-idThe client id which should be used for the Client credentials flowrequired ""
client.oauth2.client-secretThe client secret which should be used for the Client credentials flowrequired ""
client.oauth2.scopes[]A list of scopes which should be used for the Client credentials flow.required [""]
client.identity-aware-proxyGoogle Identity-Aware-Proxy client configuration.{}
client.identity-aware-proxy.audienceThe Identity-Aware-Proxy audience. (client-id of the IAP oauth2 credential)required ""

📝 Some of these parameters are ignored based on the type of endpoint. For instance, there’s no certificate involved in ICMP requests (ping), therefore, setting client.insecure to true for an endpoint of that type will not do anything.

This default configuration is as follows:

insecure: false
ignore-redirect: false
timeout: 10s

Note that this configuration is only available under endpoints[], alerting.mattermost and alerting.custom.

Here’s an example with the client configuration under endpoints[]:

- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
insecure: false
ignore-redirect: false
timeout: 10s
- "[STATUS] == 200"

This example shows how you can specify a custom DNS resolver:

- name: with-custom-dns-resolver
url: "https://your.health.api/health"
dns-resolver: "tcp://"
- "[STATUS] == 200"

This example shows how you can use the client.oauth2 configuration to query a backend API with Bearer token:

- name: with-custom-oauth2
url: "https://your.health.api/health"
token-url: https://your-token-server/token
client-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
client-secret: your-client-secret
scopes: ['https://your.health.api/.default']
- "[STATUS] == 200"

This example shows how you can use the client.identity-aware-proxy configuration to query a backend API with Bearer token using Google Identity-Aware-Proxy:

- name: with-custom-iap
url: "https://my.iap.protected.app/health"
audience: "XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com"
- "[STATUS] == 200"

📝 Note that Gatus will use the gcloud default credentials within its environment to generate the token.


Gatus supports multiple alerting providers, such as Slack and PagerDuty, and supports different alerts for each individual endpoints with configurable descriptions and thresholds.

📝 If an alerting provider is not properly configured, all alerts configured with the provider’s type will be ignored.

alerting.customConfiguration for custom actions on failure or alerts.
See Configuring Custom alerts.
alerting.discordConfiguration for alerts of type discord.
See Configuring Discord alerts.
alerting.emailConfiguration for alerts of type email.
See Configuring Email alerts.
alerting.githubConfiguration for alerts of type github.
See Configuring GitHub alerts.
alerting.gitlabConfiguration for alerts of type gitlab.
See Configuring GitLab alerts.
alerting.googlechatConfiguration for alerts of type googlechat.
See Configuring Google Chat alerts.
alerting.gotifyConfiguration for alerts of type gotify.
See Configuring Gotify alerts.
alerting.matrixConfiguration for alerts of type matrix.
See Configuring Matrix alerts.
alerting.mattermostConfiguration for alerts of type mattermost.
See Configuring Mattermost alerts.
alerting.messagebirdConfiguration for alerts of type messagebird.
See Configuring Messagebird alerts.
alerting.ntfyConfiguration for alerts of type ntfy.
See Configuring Ntfy alerts.
alerting.opsgenieConfiguration for alerts of type opsgenie.
See Configuring Opsgenie alerts.
alerting.pagerdutyConfiguration for alerts of type pagerduty.
See Configuring PagerDuty alerts.
alerting.pushoverConfiguration for alerts of type pushover.
See Configuring Pushover alerts.
alerting.slackConfiguration for alerts of type slack.
See Configuring Slack alerts.
alerting.teamsConfiguration for alerts of type teams.
See Configuring Teams alerts.
alerting.telegramConfiguration for alerts of type telegram.
See Configuring Telegram alerts.
alerting.twilioSettings for alerts of type twilio.
See Configuring Twilio alerts.

Configuring Discord alerts

alerting.discordConfiguration for alerts of type discord{}
alerting.discord.webhook-urlDiscord Webhook URLRequired ""
alerting.discord.titleTitle of the notification":helmet_with_white_cross: Gatus"
alerting.discord.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.discord.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.discord.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.discord.overrides[].webhook-urlDiscord Webhook URL""
webhook-url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/**********/**********"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: discord
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true

Configuring Email alerts

alerting.emailConfiguration for alerts of type email{}
alerting.email.fromEmail used to send the alertRequired ""
alerting.email.usernameUsername of the SMTP server used to send the alert. If empty, uses alerting.email.from.""
alerting.email.passwordPassword of the SMTP server used to send the alert. If empty, no authentication is performed.""
alerting.email.hostHost of the mail server (e.g. smtp.gmail.com)Required ""
alerting.email.portPort the mail server is listening to (e.g. 587)Required 0
alerting.email.toEmail(s) to send the alerts toRequired ""
alerting.email.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.email.client.insecureWhether to skip TLS verificationfalse
alerting.email.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.email.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.email.overrides[].toEmail(s) to send the alerts to""
username: "[email protected]"
password: "hunter2"
host: "mail.example.com"
port: 587
insecure: false
# You can also add group-specific to keys, which will
# override the to key above for the specified groups
- group: "core"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: email
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true
- name: back-end
group: core
url: "https://example.org/"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: email
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true

⚠ Some mail servers are painfully slow.

Configuring GitHub alerts

alerting.githubConfiguration for alerts of type github{}
alerting.github.repository-urlGitHub repository URL (e.g. https://github.com/TwiN/example)Required ""
alerting.github.tokenPersonal access token to use for authentication.
Must have at least RW on issues and RO on metadata.
Required ""
alerting.github.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.

The GitHub alerting provider creates an issue prefixed with alert(gatus): and suffixed with the endpoint’s display name for each alert. If send-on-resolved is set to true on the endpoint alert, the issue will be automatically closed when the alert is resolved.

repository-url: "https://github.com/TwiN/test"
token: "github_pat_12345..."
- name: example
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 75"
- type: github
failure-threshold: 2
success-threshold: 3
send-on-resolved: true
description: "Everything's burning AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

GitHub alert

Configuring GitLab alerts

alerting.gitlabConfiguration for alerts of type gitlab{}
alerting.gitlab.webhook-urlGitLab alert webhook URL (e.g. https://gitlab.com/hlidotbe/example/alerts/notify/gatus/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json)Required ""
alerting.gitlab.authorization-keyPersonal access token to use for authentication.
Must have at least RW on issues and RO on metadata.
Required ""
alerting.gitlab.severityOverride default severity (critical), can be one of critical, high, medium, low, info, unknown""
alerting.gitlab.monitoring-toolOverride the monitoring tool name (gatus)"gatus"
alerting.gitlab.environment-nameSet gitlab environment’s name. Required to display alerts on a dashboard.""
alerting.gitlab.serviceOverride endpoint displayname""
alerting.gitlab.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.

The GitLab alerting provider creates an alert prefixed with alert(gatus): and suffixed with the endpoint’s display name for each alert. If send-on-resolved is set to true on the endpoint alert, the alert will be automatically closed when the alert is resolved. See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/incident_management/integrations.html#configuration to configure the endpoint.

webhook-url: "https://gitlab.com/hlidotbe/example/alerts/notify/gatus/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json"
authorization-key: "12345"
- name: example
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 75"
- type: gitlab
failure-threshold: 2
success-threshold: 3
send-on-resolved: true
description: "Everything's burning AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

GitLab alert

Configuring Google Chat alerts

alerting.googlechatConfiguration for alerts of type googlechat{}
alerting.googlechat.webhook-urlGoogle Chat Webhook URLRequired ""
alerting.googlechat.clientClient configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.googlechat.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.
alerting.googlechat.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.googlechat.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.googlechat.overrides[].webhook-urlGoogle Chat Webhook URL""
webhook-url: "https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/*******/messages?key=**********&token=********"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: googlechat
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true

Configuring Gotify alerts

alerting.gotifyConfiguration for alerts of type gotify{}
alerting.gotify.server-urlGotify server URLRequired ""
alerting.gotify.tokenToken that is used for authentication.Required ""
alerting.gotify.priorityPriority of the alert according to Gotify standarts.5
alerting.gotify.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.
alerting.gotify.titleTitle of the notification"Gatus: <endpoint>"
server-url: "https://gotify.example"
token: "**************"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: gotify
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Gotify notifications

Configuring Matrix alerts

alerting.matrixConfiguration for alerts of type matrix{}
alerting.matrix.server-urlHomeserver URLhttps://matrix-client.matrix.org
alerting.matrix.access-tokenBot user access token (see https://webapps.stackexchange.com/q/131056)Required ""
alerting.matrix.internal-room-idInternal room ID of room to send alerts to (can be found in Room Settings > Advanced)Required ""
alerting.matrix.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
server-url: "https://matrix-client.matrix.org"
access-token: "123456"
internal-room-id: "!example:matrix.org"
- name: website
interval: 5m
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: matrix
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Mattermost alerts

alerting.mattermostConfiguration for alerts of type mattermost{}
alerting.mattermost.webhook-urlMattermost Webhook URLRequired ""
alerting.mattermost.clientClient configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.mattermost.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert.
alerting.mattermost.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.mattermost.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.mattermist.overrides[].webhook-urlMattermost Webhook URL""
webhook-url: "http://**********/hooks/**********"
insecure: true
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: mattermost
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Mattermost notifications

Configuring Messagebird alerts

alerting.messagebirdConfiguration for alerts of type messagebird{}
alerting.messagebird.access-keyMessagebird access keyRequired ""
alerting.messagebird.originatorThe sender of the messageRequired ""
alerting.messagebird.recipientsThe recipients of the messageRequired ""
alerting.messagebird.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

Example of sending SMS text message alert using Messagebird:

access-key: "..."
originator: "31619191918"
recipients: "31619191919,31619191920"
- name: website
interval: 5m
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: messagebird
failure-threshold: 3
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Ntfy alerts

alerting.ntfyConfiguration for alerts of type ntfy{}
alerting.ntfy.topicTopic at which the alert will be sentRequired ""
alerting.ntfy.urlThe URL of the target serverhttps://ntfy.sh
alerting.ntfy.tokenAccess token for restricted topics""
alerting.ntfy.priorityThe priority of the alert3
alerting.ntfy.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

ntfy is an amazing project that allows you to subscribe to desktop and mobile notifications, making it an awesome addition to Gatus.


topic: "gatus-test-topic"
priority: 2
token: faketoken
failure-threshold: 3
send-on-resolved: true
- name: website
interval: 5m
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: ntfy

Configuring Opsgenie alerts

alerting.opsgenieConfiguration for alerts of type opsgenie{}
alerting.opsgenie.api-keyOpsgenie API KeyRequired ""
alerting.opsgenie.priorityPriority level of the alert.P1
alerting.opsgenie.sourceSource field of the alert.gatus
alerting.opsgenie.entity-prefixEntity field prefix.gatus-
alerting.opsgenie.alias-prefixAlias field prefix.gatus-healthcheck-
alerting.opsgenie.tagsTags of alert.[]
alerting.opsgenie.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

Opsgenie provider will automatically open and close alerts.

api-key: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Configuring PagerDuty alerts

alerting.pagerdutyConfiguration for alerts of type pagerduty{}
alerting.pagerduty.integration-keyPagerDuty Events API v2 integration key""
alerting.pagerduty.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.pagerduty.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.pagerduty.overrides[].integration-keyPagerDuty Events API v2 integration key""
alerting.pagerduty.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

It is highly recommended to set endpoints[].alerts[].send-on-resolved to true for alerts of type pagerduty, because unlike other alerts, the operation resulting from setting said parameter to true will not create another incident but mark the incident as resolved on PagerDuty instead.


  • By default, alerting.pagerduty.integration-key is used as the integration key
  • If the endpoint being evaluated belongs to a group (endpoints[].group) matching the value of alerting.pagerduty.overrides[].group, the provider will use that override’s integration key instead of alerting.pagerduty.integration-key’s
integration-key: "********************************"
# You can also add group-specific integration keys, which will
# override the integration key above for the specified groups
- group: "core"
integration-key: "********************************"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 30s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: pagerduty
failure-threshold: 3
success-threshold: 5
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"
- name: back-end
group: core
url: "https://example.org/"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: pagerduty
failure-threshold: 3
success-threshold: 5
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Pushover alerts

alerting.pushoverConfiguration for alerts of type pushover{}
alerting.pushover.application-tokenPushover application token""
alerting.pushover.user-keyUser or group key""
alerting.pushover.titleFixed title for all messages sent via PushoverName of your App in Pushover
alerting.pushover.priorityPriority of all messages, ranging from -2 (very low) to 2 (emergency)0
alerting.pushover.soundSound of all messages
See sounds for all valid choices.
alerting.pushover.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
application-token: "******************************"
user-key: "******************************"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 30s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: pushover
failure-threshold: 3
success-threshold: 5
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring Slack alerts

alerting.slackConfiguration for alerts of type slack{}
alerting.slack.webhook-urlSlack Webhook URLRequired ""
alerting.slack.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.slack.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.slack.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.slack.overrides[].webhook-urlSlack Webhook URL""
webhook-url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 30s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: slack
description: "healthcheck failed 3 times in a row"
send-on-resolved: true
- type: slack
failure-threshold: 5
description: "healthcheck failed 5 times in a row"
send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Slack notifications

Configuring Teams alerts

alerting.teamsConfiguration for alerts of type teams{}
alerting.teams.webhook-urlTeams Webhook URLRequired ""
alerting.teams.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
alerting.teams.overridesList of overrides that may be prioritized over the default configuration[]
alerting.teams.overrides[].groupEndpoint group for which the configuration will be overridden by this configuration""
alerting.teams.overrides[].webhook-urlTeams Webhook URL""
webhook-url: "https://********.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/************"
# You can also add group-specific to keys, which will
# override the to key above for the specified groups
- group: "core"
webhook-url: "https://********.webhook.office.com/webhookb3/************"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 30s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: teams
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true
- name: back-end
group: core
url: "https://example.org/"
interval: 5m
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: teams
description: "healthcheck failed"
send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Teams notifications

Configuring Telegram alerts

alerting.telegramConfiguration for alerts of type telegram{}
alerting.telegram.tokenTelegram Bot TokenRequired ""
alerting.telegram.idTelegram User IDRequired ""
alerting.telegram.api-urlTelegram API URLhttps://api.telegram.org
alerting.telegram.clientClient configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.telegram.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11"
id: "0123456789"
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 30s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- type: telegram
send-on-resolved: true

Here’s an example of what the notifications look like:

Telegram notifications

Configuring Twilio alerts

alerting.twilioSettings for alerts of type twilio{}
alerting.twilio.sidTwilio account SIDRequired ""
alerting.twilio.tokenTwilio auth tokenRequired ""
alerting.twilio.fromNumber to send Twilio alerts fromRequired ""
alerting.twilio.toNumber to send twilio alerts toRequired ""
alerting.twilio.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
sid: "..."
token: "..."
from: "+1-234-567-8901"
to: "+1-234-567-8901"
- name: website
interval: 30s
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: twilio
failure-threshold: 5
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"

Configuring AWS SES alerts

alerting.aws-sesSettings for alerts of type aws-ses{}
alerting.aws-ses.access-key-idAWS Access Key IDOptional ""
alerting.aws-ses.secret-access-keyAWS Secret Access KeyOptional ""
alerting.aws-ses.regionAWS RegionRequired ""
alerting.aws-ses.fromThe Email address to send the emails from (should be registered in SES)Required ""
alerting.aws-ses.toComma separated list of email address to notifyRequired ""
alerting.aws-ses.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert
access-key-id: "..."
secret-access-key: "..."
region: "us-east-1"
- name: website
interval: 30s
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: aws-ses
failure-threshold: 5
send-on-resolved: true
description: "healthcheck failed"

If the access-key-id and secret-access-key are not defined Gatus will fall back to IAM authentication.

Make sure you have the ability to use ses:SendEmail.

Configuring custom alerts

alerting.customConfiguration for custom actions on failure or alerts{}
alerting.custom.urlCustom alerting request urlRequired ""
alerting.custom.methodRequest methodGET
alerting.custom.bodyCustom alerting request body.""
alerting.custom.headersCustom alerting request headers{}
alerting.custom.clientClient configuration.
See Client configuration.
alerting.custom.default-alertDefault alert configuration.
See Setting a default alert

While they’re called alerts, you can use this feature to call anything.

For instance, you could automate rollbacks by having an application that keeps tracks of new deployments, and by leveraging Gatus, you could have Gatus call that application endpoint when an endpoint starts failing. Your application would then check if the endpoint that started failing was part of the recently deployed application, and if it was, then automatically roll it back.

Furthermore, you may use the following placeholders in the body (alerting.custom.body) and in the url (alerting.custom.url):

  • [ALERT_DESCRIPTION] (resolved from endpoints[].alerts[].description)
  • [ENDPOINT_NAME] (resolved from endpoints[].name)
  • [ENDPOINT_GROUP] (resolved from endpoints[].group)
  • [ENDPOINT_URL] (resolved from endpoints[].url)

If you have an alert using the custom provider with send-on-resolved set to true, you can use the [ALERT_TRIGGERED_OR_RESOLVED] placeholder to differentiate the notifications. The aforementioned placeholder will be replaced by TRIGGERED or RESOLVED accordingly, though it can be modified (details at the end of this section).

For all intents and purposes, we’ll configure the custom alert with a Slack webhook, but you can call anything you want.

url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
method: "POST"
body: |
- name: website
url: "https://twin.sh/health"
interval: 30s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- "[BODY].status == UP"
- "[RESPONSE_TIME] < 300"
- type: custom
failure-threshold: 10
success-threshold: 3
send-on-resolved: true
description: "health check failed"

Note that you can customize the resolved values for the [ALERT_TRIGGERED_OR_RESOLVED] placeholder like so:

TRIGGERED: "partial_outage"
RESOLVED: "operational"

As a result, the [ALERT_TRIGGERED_OR_RESOLVED] in the body of first example of this section would be replaced by partial_outage when an alert is triggered and operational when an alert is resolved.

Setting a default alert

alerting.*.default-alert.enabledWhether to enable the alertN/A
alerting.*.default-alert.failure-thresholdNumber of failures in a row needed before triggering the alertN/A
alerting.*.default-alert.success-thresholdNumber of successes in a row before an ongoing incident is marked as resolvedN/A
alerting.*.default-alert.send-on-resolvedWhether to send a notification once a triggered alert is marked as resolvedN/A
alerting.*.default-alert.descriptionDescription of the alert. Will be included in the alert sentN/A

⚠ You must still specify the type of the alert in the endpoint configuration even if you set the default alert of a provider.

While you can specify the alert configuration directly in the endpoint definition, it’s tedious and may lead to a very long configuration file.

To avoid such problem, you can use the default-alert parameter present in each provider configuration:

webhook-url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
description: "health check failed"
send-on-resolved: true
failure-threshold: 5
success-threshold: 5

As a result, your Gatus configuration looks a lot tidier:

- name: example
url: "https://example.org"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: slack
- name: other-example
url: "https://example.com"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: slack

It also allows you to do things like this:

- name: example
url: "https://example.org"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: slack
failure-threshold: 5
- type: slack
failure-threshold: 10
- type: slack
failure-threshold: 15

Of course, you can also mix alert types:

webhook-url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**********/**********/**********"
failure-threshold: 3
integration-key: "********************************"
failure-threshold: 5
- name: endpoint-1
url: "https://example.org"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: slack
- type: pagerduty
- name: endpoint-2
url: "https://example.org"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- type: slack
- type: pagerduty


If you have maintenance windows, you may not want to be annoyed by alerts. To do that, you’ll have to use the maintenance configuration:

maintenance.enabledWhether the maintenance period is enabledtrue
maintenance.startTime at which the maintenance window starts in hh:mm format (e.g. 23:00)Required ""
maintenance.durationDuration of the maintenance window (e.g. 1h, 30m)Required ""
maintenance.everyDays on which the maintenance period applies (e.g. [Monday, Thursday]).
If left empty, the maintenance window applies every day

📝 The maintenance configuration uses UTC

Here’s an example:

start: 23:00
duration: 1h
every: [Monday, Thursday]

Note that you can also specify each day on separate lines:

start: 23:00
duration: 1h
- Monday
- Thursday


securitySecurity configuration{}
security.basicHTTP Basic configuration{}
security.oidcOpenID Connect configuration{}

Basic Authentication

security.basicHTTP Basic configuration{}
security.basic.usernameUsername for Basic authentication.Required ""
security.basic.password-bcrypt-base64Password hashed with Bcrypt and then encoded with base64 for Basic authentication.Required ""

The example below will require that you authenticate with the username john.doe and the password hunter2:

username: "john.doe"
password-bcrypt-base64: "JDJhJDEwJHRiMnRFakxWazZLdXBzRERQazB1TE8vckRLY05Yb1hSdnoxWU0yQ1FaYXZRSW1McmladDYu"

⚠ Make sure to carefully select to cost of the bcrypt hash. The higher the cost, the longer it takes to compute the hash, and basic auth verifies the password against the hash on every request. As of 2023-01-06, I suggest a cost of 9.


security.oidcOpenID Connect configuration{}
security.oidc.issuer-urlIssuer URLRequired ""
security.oidc.redirect-urlRedirect URL. Must end with /authorization-code/callbackRequired ""
security.oidc.client-idClient idRequired ""
security.oidc.client-secretClient secretRequired ""
security.oidc.scopesScopes to request. The only scope you need is openid.Required []
security.oidc.allowed-subjectsList of subjects to allow. If empty, all subjects are allowed.[]
issuer-url: "https://example.okta.com"
redirect-url: "https://status.example.com/authorization-code/callback"
client-id: "123456789"
client-secret: "abcdefghijk"
scopes: ["openid"]
# You may optionally specify a list of allowed subjects. If this is not specified, all subjects will be allowed.
#allowed-subjects: ["[email protected]"]

Confused? Read Securing Gatus with OIDC using Auth0.

TLS Encryption

Gatus supports basic encryption with TLS. To enable this, certificate files in PEM format have to be provided.

The example below shows an example configuration which makes gatus respond on port 4443 to HTTPS requests:

port: 4443
certificate-file: "certificate.crt"
private-key-file: "private.key"


To enable metrics, you must set metrics to true. Doing so will expose Prometheus-friendly metrics at the /metrics endpoint on the same port your application is configured to run on (web.port).

Metric nameTypeDescriptionLabelsRelevant endpoint types
gatus_results_totalcounterNumber of results per endpointkey, group, name, type, successAll
gatus_results_code_totalcounterTotal number of results by codekey, group, name, type, codeDNS, HTTP
gatus_results_connected_totalcounterTotal number of results in which a connection was successfully establishedkey, group, name, typeAll
gatus_results_duration_secondsgaugeDuration of the request in secondskey, group, name, typeAll
gatus_results_certificate_expiration_secondsgaugeNumber of seconds until the certificate expireskey, group, name, typeHTTP, STARTTLS

See examples/docker-compose-grafana-prometheus for further documentation as well as an example.


connectivityConnectivity configuration{}
connectivity.checkerConnectivity checker configurationRequired {}
connectivity.checker.targetHost to use for validating connectivityRequired ""
connectivity.checker.intervalInterval at which to validate connectivity1m

While Gatus is used to monitor other services, it is possible for Gatus itself to lose connectivity to the internet. In order to prevent Gatus from reporting endpoints as unhealthy when Gatus itself is unhealthy, you may configure Gatus to periodically check for internet connectivity.

All endpoint executions are skipped while the connectivity checker deems connectivity to be down.

interval: 60s

Remote instances (EXPERIMENTAL)

This feature allows you to retrieve endpoint statuses from a remote Gatus instance.

There are two main use cases for this:

  • You have multiple Gatus instances running on different machines, and you wish to visually expose the statuses through a single dashboard
  • You have one or more Gatus instances that are not publicly accessible (e.g. behind a firewall), and you wish to retrieve

This is an experimental feature. It may be removed or updated in a breaking manner at any time. Furthermore, there are known issues with this feature. If you’d like to provide some feedback, please write a comment in #64. Use at your own risk.

remoteRemote configuration{}
remote.instancesList of remote instancesRequired []
remote.instances.endpoint-prefixString to prefix all endpoint names with""
remote.instances.urlURL from which to retrieve endpoint statusesRequired ""
- endpoint-prefix: "status.example.org-"
url: "https://status.example.org/api/v1/endpoints/statuses"


Many examples can be found in the .examples folder, but this section will focus on the most popular ways of deploying Gatus.


To run Gatus locally with Docker:

Terminal window
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

Other than using one of the examples provided in the .examples folder, you can also try it out locally by creating a configuration file, we’ll call it config.yaml for this example, and running the following command:

Terminal window
docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config.yaml,target=/config/config.yaml --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

If you’re on Windows, replace "$(pwd)" by the absolute path to your current directory, e.g.:

Terminal window
docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source=C:/Users/Chris/Desktop/config.yaml,target=/config/config.yaml --name gatus twinproduction/gatus

To build the image locally:

Terminal window
docker build . -t twinproduction/gatus

Helm Chart

Helm must be installed to use the chart. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repository as follows:

Terminal window
helm repo add minicloudlabs https://minicloudlabs.github.io/helm-charts

To get more details, please check chart’s configuration and helmfile example


Gatus can be deployed on Terraform by using the following module: terraform-kubernetes-gatus.

Running the tests

Terminal window
go test -v ./...

Using in Production

See the Deployment section.